Row configuration


BeastGrid supports grouping of data!

You can group data by a column or multiple columns or adding a children attribute to the rows by yourself.

To configure beastgrid to group data by a column, you can use the aggregationLevel attribute in the columnDef configuration.

You might also want to set the aggregation function for the columns that are not being grouped. You can do this using the aggregation attribute in the columnDef configuration.

const columnDefs: ColumnDef[] = [
  { headerName: 'COUNTRY', field: 'country', width: 200, filterType: FilterType.STRING, menu: true, aggregationLevel: 1 },
  { headerName: 'USERS', field: 'id', aggregation: AggregationType.COUNT, flex: 1 },
  { headerName: 'NAME', field: 'name', width: 200, menu: { column: true, grid: true } },
  { headerName: 'AGE', field: 'age', width: 100, menu: true }, ColumnDef => ({
    headerName: month.toUpperCase(),
    field: month,
    aggregation: AggregationType.SUM,
    flex: 1,
    formatter: (value: number) => numeral(value).format('0,0 $')

In this example, the data will be grouped by the country column.

You can check the Grouping example to see it in action.